Robert Paul Weston

Zorgamazoo on The New Yorker Radio Hour

Back in the spring of 2020, a little twitter thread made me smile: It still cracks me up. It also makes me wonder. How would you take Zorgamazoo?…

Breakfast with Dr. Seuss

This week a strange, unexpected, and rather wonderful thing happened. I appeared on television. And I have Dr. Seuss to thank. It happened like this… In 2013, a nearly complete…

Enchantium Gas is real (tell me something I don’t know)

This morning I read an article about a “quiet revolution” in theoretical physics. According to Max Tegmark, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, consciousness may in fact be an…

German Audiobook of the Year

Good news everyone: Zorgamazoo has been awarded Germany’s prize for best children’s audiobook of 2012. My German is quite poor (non-existent), but with the help of a German-speaking friend…

The Berlin International Literature Festival

I’m deep in the trenches of a new book at the moment, which is why I haven’t posted anything in quite a while. But having returned this week…

Books For Breakfast

Last week I did and interview with Dan Evans, who works at the wonderful Bookshelf Cafe & Cinema in Guelph, Ontario. He also happens to be one of…

Zorgamazoo Film Option sold to Producer of Shrek

This week, I did an event called Meet the Writers, part of the TIFF Kids film festival. Film festival? you ask. But I thought you wrote books. Indeed,…

Zorgamazoo Wins the California Young Reader Medal

It was a great honour to win the California Young Reader Medal, one of the biggest and best reader-driven awards in the world. I travelled to Pasadena to…

Alan Cumming Wins Audie Award for Zorgamazoo

Good news everyone! Alan Cumming’s performance of the Zorgamazoo audiobook has been awarded Best Male Solo Performance from the Audio Publishers Association. Most of all, I was really happy he read…

Dullbert Plushie!

Remember a few weeks ago? I  posted about a reader who got a tattoo of Katrina Katrell on her freakin’ arm? True ting. I kid you not. Well,…