Robert Paul Weston

How much money does a book make?

At the time of this writing, Penguin Random House, one of the largest publishers in the world, seeks to purchase Simon & Schuster (which, after PRH and Harper…

Breakfast with Dr. Seuss

This week a strange, unexpected, and rather wonderful thing happened. I appeared on television. And I have Dr. Seuss to thank. It happened like this… In 2013, a nearly complete…

Poetry, Neil Gaiman and Cowboys

Last month (April 2013), I headed off to the Texas Library Conference, held in Fort Worth, just outside Dallas. I was a guest on a few panels, speaking…

Britain’s Last Typewriter

Today I stared down Jack Kerouac’s 120 foot scrolled manuscript of On the Road, currently on display at the British Library. According to legend, Kerouac banged it out in a three-week…

Books For Breakfast

Last week I did and interview with Dan Evans, who works at the wonderful Bookshelf Cafe & Cinema in Guelph, Ontario. He also happens to be one of…

All Writers Are Mystery Writers

On July 10, 2011, the New York Times Book Review printed a great little essay by Roger Rosenblatt, called “The Writer as Detective.” I liked it so much…

Panels and Book Signings at Fan Expo

August 28, 2011 2:00pm. Been very busy lately, but here’s the latest. I’ll be signing books at Toronto’s Fan Expo at the end of the month. At 2pm…

Young Adult Fiction Course at the University of Toronto

Apr 19, 2011 6:30pm. If anyone out there is interested, this spring I’ll be once again running my young adult fiction course at the University of Toronto. The course…